If you need a tooth replacement or multiple teeth in your mouth have been lost, a dental implant by The Dental Method is the ultimate option.
Implant supported dentures can be a fantastic solution for people who have lost one or multiple teeth and want a permanent replacement.
Are you confused about the different choices and options you have for implant supported dentures? Our team will be able to answer any questions that you may have, and to give you the procedure that best matches your needs.
You might have lost a lot of your teeth or even all of the teeth in your mouth.
This can occur due to serious conditions such as gum disease. In cases, like this, there are four major possibilities to choose from. Two of these choices provide you with a temporary fixture for your mouth while the other two are completely permanent. These differ in cost, technique and treatment times. If you want to explore these options in full, we can help by showing you exactly what they involve.
Let’s start by exploring the two options that provide you with a permanent fixture for your mouth.
Remember, since they are permanent, you won’t have to get them taken out or remove them at all. Instead, they can be a lifetime solution that you’ll never have to worry about once they have been installed.

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