We hold a firm belief that everyone deserves a healthy smile. It is our passion to offer this to any and everyone!
Not all patients have dental insurance and those that do, understand the minimal benefits it actually provides. We have a plan just for you! We offer cash patients The Dental Method Loyalty plan, an annual reduced-fee plan that allows adults and children to receive quality dental services from The Dental Method dentists at a cost far less than most dental insurance premiums.
You still get our famous individualized attention and private care, but at a much more affordable cost. Sign up today and use your Loyalty plan right away. It’s that simple.
Invision this: no waiting periods, no claims submissions, no balance billing, immediate access to needed care, no pre-authorizations, no exclusions, no deductibles, no maximums and no insurance denials!
We created these Loyalty Plans just for you to achieve and maintain a healthy smile! No wonder it is the fastest growing membership of our Practice!

How Our Membership Programs Work
Signing up is easy! Just schedule your next appointment, and you can sign up at one of our office locations in a matter of minutes. It’s that simple! Because you’re accessing care right here at The Dental Method, there’s no need for a middleman.
No Insurance ID card or group numbers. All of your information is a part of your electronic record.
Are you ready to find out more? Call The Dental Method today!
Terms and Conditions may apply.